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Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:05 am

Gavin wrote:.....I also did quite a bit of testing to look at other techniques in Excel to log the data even faster and with less flicker.....

For my purpose, I notice that the flickering is still quite high. How do I make the refresh rate lower in the sheet, that is, worksheet record the odds only at intervals of say 2 or 3 seconds, although it will not be accurate representation of the movement?

I just want to have a general idea of the trend, but do not want to alter the default frequency in Cymatic's settings.


Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:23 pm

Hi Angelo,

I suggest that you use an empty cell to store the time of the last snapshot that was added to the log. Then each time new data arrives, you can compare that time to the current time and decide if enough time has elapsed and thus log the prices.

Indeed, if you are already storing the time of each snapshot on the row beside the prices, then you can just use that cell, rather than storing the time separately in an empty cell.

This will need to be done in Visual Basic.

Kind regards,


Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:53 am

Thank You, Gavin, for your prompt reply as always.

Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:21 am

I had been using (removed by moderator). It really works for me just fine.
(Link removed by moderator)

The above mentioned message has been edited by a moderator because it showed signs of possibly being spam and it included a link to a stock/shares software

Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:00 pm

I think the suggestion given to record with a larger timeframe is indeed a good one.

I'm trying to record the data in the opposite way, new to last row but I'm not able to do it. Tried Auto fill, fill down... No joy. Anyone point me the right direction? This is for charting purposes and as is, the chart won't get the data.

Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:21 pm

Hi archytekt,

I am not sure why you would want the new data in the last row of the spreadsheet instead of at the top.

Assuming you really want to have the last row at the bottom, I am imagining you would want to just delete the top row of data (shifting the remaining cells up), then write the new data into the bottom row. This is unlikely to be efficient because you'll be building a spreadsheet with data starting down at the bottom, rather than starting at the top near the column headers.

Instead you would normally look to insert the new data in a new row inserted at the top, rather than the bottom. This is usually the most efficient way of working (also do not copy and paste rows, I seem to recall it is even slower). Just before inserting a row, you should clear the last row in the sheet. This avoid an error when the last row contains data and you try to shunt it down beyond the last row (when you insert a row at the top).

Kind regards,


Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:03 pm

Hi Gavin

I'm not looking to add to the last row of the page.
Currently, as it is, it pastes the data on the same row by inserting a new one pushing the rest down. So the new data is always on top.
What I wanted was the new data to be added the inverse. Like paste on A1, A2, A3... and so on until it reaches the end of the sheet (which won't happen). So new data always added to the next empty row.
The reason is if you try to make a custom realtime graph, the way it is now won't work, as soon as new data arrives it will push down the range and is never included. Graph is empty.
I know that could make a copy/paste macro but that isn't optimal and will probably slow down things.

Actually I found a different solution without messing with the code, created a dynamic table so the graph will update and add new rows. As the graph would update inverted, I just set the horizontal axis inverted as well. That way the new data on the graph shows on the right side instead of the left side of the graph.

Now the only thing that should be improved would be the time refresh without changing Cymatic settings. :?:

Re: Odds Recorder For Technical Analysis

Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:59 pm

Hi archytekt,

I am glad to hear that you found a solution. If you subsequent find dynamic ranges cause Excel to slow down too much, then look to insert the row at the top again.

By the way, I think there is a way to do it so that the data still shows up on the graph. Maybe try something like inserting the blank row one row after the first row in the datasource for the chart, then copying the top one or two rows down by one. It is a long while since I did any of that, but I think that is how it worked.

Kind regards,


I cannot get the Recorder to do anything.

Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:08 am

Hello I'm new here from OZ so g'day.

The Recorder worksheet shows nothing but #REF! in every cell in the first row after the headings.

I downloaded Gavin's v2 from one of the early posts.

So here is my setup.
1. Cymatic, Recorder, Documentation WSs are in the same Excel file.
2. Cymatic WS works perfectly.
3. Recorder WS has Enable Logging checked.

I can program so...
1. I have set break points in each of the 3 procedures and they are never hit.
2. There is no reference to the Cymatic WS from the Recorder VBA.
3. Macros are enabled.

What am I missing?

The original download file's Recorder WS Row4 has formulas referencing Cymatic.
As soon as I do a Saveas they are wiped!
Macro security is enabled.
OK I'll keep working on this.

Interesting! or not?
The references to Cymatic WS were wiped ONLY when I Saveas the file as 'Cymatic'.
ie the Excel file and the worksheet name are the same.

Surely must be a bug in Excel 2016.

Re: I cannot get the Recorder to do anything.

Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:21 am

ThomasAJ wrote:Surely must be a bug in Excel 2016.

Hello mate

Could well be a bug. A user on the BA forum reported problems with the latest update to Excel 2016, where the software would link to the wrong sheet. Support suggested rolling back the update. I've just downloaded and tested the Odds Recorder against Excel 2016, and it seems to work fine and Save As without problems, however I haven't updated Excel for a while, so that could be a clue. Think I'll keep deferring updates for now...
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