This setting appears in the Tools section in the main window in Cymatic. The setting is labelled 'At In-Play' in the English version of Cymatic.
The Persistence setting determines what happens to unmatched exchange bets when a market turns in-play (i.e. at the kick-off, when the race or game actually starts).
Take SP
Please read the tutorial on the Cymatic forum to understand using the Take SP feature and its benefits.
All unmatched bets will be cancelled when the market goes in-play.
Bets will remain even when the market goes in-play.
According to Betfair:
On markets that will go in-running, you can now decide to make use of our Bet Persistence facility and ‘Keep’ the bet, even once the market turns in-play. This provides another opportunity to get the bet on, although there is still no guarantee you will be matched at your requested price as the market may never reach that level.
The market will suspend as normal once the event starts, but when it turned in-play all bets which had the 'Keep' option selected will remain and be available for other customers to match. Bets which are kept in this way retain their original place in the queue to be matched.
Note that during a football match for example, your bet will continue to ‘persist’ even after the market is suspended for a goal, penalty kick or a red card.